Leaders Enhance Their Value, When They Exhibit Real VALUES! & Why Some Leaders CLIMB To The Top?

Many realize, the challenges, involved, in identifying, quality, relevant, sustainable leaders! This is demonstrated, clearly, by the fact, while many, either, are elected, selected, or ascend, to positions of leadership, very few, actually, become real leaders! Organizations, and their constituents/ stakeholders, need, to find someone, who will provide, the value, needed, and desired, but, what makes this, even more challenging, is, unless/ until, this is accomplished, in alignment with the desired, VALUES, of the particular organization, the leadership needed, is often, not provided! With that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, what this means and represents, and why, it's essential, to consider, and understand.
simon sinek motivational inspirational quote
Simon Sinek motivational inspirational quote about leadership

1. Virtues; visions/ visionary; views; various: What virtues, do you believe, are most relevant, to providing the finest leadership? Are these the same, for every group, and position? Are you capable of leading, in a visionary, motivating, inspiring manner, and, articulate the views, which brings people together, for the greater good, and encourages, a consistent effort, towards, a meeting - of - the - minds? A valuable leader offers various skills and abilities, and always, puts others, first, instead of any personal/ political agenda, and/ or, self - interest!
2. Attitude; attention; articulate; actions; aptitude: Only those, with genuine, positive, can - do, attitudes, are able to pay the attention, needed, and necessary, which makes their group, better, and stronger! One must articulate a positive message, which inspires and motivates, others, towards the common good! It often requires, a well - developed, aptitude, and skill - set, to proceed, with the best actions, to make, a difference, for the better!
3. Listen; learn; likeable: Effective listening, and listening, from every conversation, and experience, makes someone, potentially, far more likeable! A great leader, truly, cares about his organization's image, insights, and principles, and does, all he possibly can, to become the best, possible leader!
4. Usual/ unusual; unique; urgings/ urgent: One must take care of, both, the usual, as well as unusual, needs of the specific group! He must be a unique individual, who strives to do, what's best, instead of taking the path, of least resistance! He must address the urgings of all components, and differentiate, what's most urgent, from the petty stuff!
5. Empathy; emphasis; energy; energize; enrich; examine; exceed: You can't lead others, with any degree of value, unless/ until, you exhibit genuine empathy! This must direct, where you place, your emphasis, and it's essential to proceed, with the personal energy, which energizes, all, around him! It's a leader's duty and responsibility, to enrich everyone, and examine, all relevant issues! Great leaders always exceed expectations!
6. Strengths/ stronger; sustainable; service; solutions: Leading means, knowing both, your strengths and weaknesses, and using the former, while effectively, addressing, the latter! He must be, both, a relevant, and sustainable leader, who emphasizes, extraordinary service! Never blame and complain, but, rather, focus on introducing the finest, viable solutions!
How a leader aligns the value, he provides, with the finest VALUESof the organization, he serves, and represents, differentiates, the best ones, from the rest - of - the - pack! Do you have, what it takes, to be the finest, most valuable leader?

Why Some Leaders CLIMB To The Top?

Have you ever, wondered, why some individuals, who, are either, elected, selected, or ascend to positions of leadership, excel, and CLIMB to the top, while others, seem to be satisfied, with producing the same - old, same - old, tired ways, for a variety of reasons. While true leaders, consistently, expand the self - imposed, limitations of their comfort zone, lesser - ones, seem to be afraid, of rocking - the - boat, in order to bring about, significant, necessary changes, for the better! With that in mind, this article will attempt to consider, examine, review, and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, what this means and represents, and why, it's such an important aspect of meaningful leadership.
1. Character; clarity; cooperate; coordinate: There's no substitute for one's essential quality of character! You can try to lie about it, but, it's what one does, and stands for, as well as his genuine integrity, which makes the greatest difference! A real leader must possess and articulate a message, with the utmost degree of clarity! Instead of polarizing, and dividing, it's important to stress, cooperating, for the greater good! Judge a leader, by whether, or not, he is ready, willing and able, to effectively, coordinate everyone's actions, and activities, for the common good!
2. Listen; learn; leading: No one has all the answers, so a real leader, must effectively, listen, and learn, from every conversation, and experience! The essence of quality leading, is, making a change, for the better!
3. Issues; integrity; imagination; ideas; ideals; innovate; insights: Clearly know, and understand, the issues, and obstacles, which are most relevant to the specific group! A real leader maintains absolute, genuine integrity, even when presented, with a path, of least resistance! He has a well - developed, imagination, and aligns his ideals, with his group! He possesses the insights, which lead to, innovation, and the types of ideas, which make his group, stronger!
4. Make mark; motivate; message; manage: How one makes his mark, for the better, determines the difference, between a real leader, and the rest - of - the - pack! Great leaders articulate an inspiring, motivating message, combined with the ability to manage all the necessary details!
5. Better/ best; beliefs; benefits; bring it: How will you make the group better, and will you always, deliver results, by demanding your personal best? How do your beliefs, align with those of your group, and constituents? Will you bring about benefits, which inspire and motivate others, to try, to become, more involved, and committed?
If you want to be a leader, will you want to CLIMB to the top? Are you up to the task?

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