
Showing posts from November, 2019

How to get over Social Anxiety : #3 Tips to Deal With Anxiety " Accepting Vs Fighting Anxiety - The Better Way To Beat It "

Many people suffer from anxiety. Anxiety is just a higher level of fear to the so common question,  'what if... ?'  Anxiety comes announced and completely takes over our minds. Anxiety meaning motivational inspirational quote Quite a few of my clients suffer or have suffered from anxiety. All these years working with them and helping them overcome and eradicate it taught me a lot. Today I would like to share three tips that might also help you handle such a crippling emotion. Anxiety is fear and, as such, in the future.  Some of you might immediately tell me, ' wait a minute, that's not true. I feel the anxiety very much here, in the present .' Yes, the feeling or emotion is there but where does it come from? What is the underlying fear that is causing it? Ask yourself what you're afraid might happen and you'll find the root of your anxiety. You might be surprised to discover that your answer is that something MIGHT happen some time in the futur...

Understanding the True Meaning of Success : Success, Happy & Hope Are Greater Than Failure, Grief & Sorrow

Humanity is united in the passion for success. Perhaps, there is no emotional feeling that is commonly shared among men than the passion for success. The fact is not just that everyone wants to be a success, but that no one wants to be associated with a failure. People channel a great deal of efforts towards activities (or group of activities) that (they are convinced) will help them succeed. Despite this, success remains, and will continue to remain, beyond the reach of many. This shows that the road to success is narrow. Though everyone naturally desires success, it will amaze you to know that you will get different views of success if you ask different people to define success. success motivational inspirational quote Experience and observations show that though the desire for success is common, there are divergent notions of success among different people. It may interest you to know that many people's definitions and conceptions of success are erroneous and misleadi...

"NIKOLA TESLA WAS RIGHT!" : start doing this right now and you'll see the result in your life

Nikola Tesla says  if you want to find the secret of the universe, you need to think in terms of energy frequency and vibration Nikola tesla was right about understanding the universe  Our brain polsates with electromagnetic energy Affected by our emotions, our health and our general state of well-being, if an energetic force Is struck at the same resonant frequency as another object in a facility, The vibrations will cause the second object to begin vibrating in terms of how you experience the world.  The energy and vibration you give off is met and reflected back, We can feel this on an emotional level when we say that Somebody's on our wavelength, or we feel in tune with a personal situation.  Why is it important?  well, if your internal vibration is one of anxiety, depression, Anger, the life-experience that you have may very well provide you with people and situations,  That reflect this back to you. Thereby reinforcing the ...

2020 motivational quotes : super and short #15 inspirational quotes about life and struggles

Life can throw you some hurdles, often times, unexpectedly. When tragedy strikes we all need to look inwardly for inspiration and strength. We all come equipped with the necessary fortitude to not only overcome obstacles, but to in fact, thrive through them. It all depends on having the right disposition and the pliability to conquer the worse moments of our lives. Once you frame your mind accordingly, you will harness your true potential, develop wisdom and sustain longstanding motivation for a victorious life in whatever we do ( for students, about life, for work, ...)  most powerful 15 motivational quote about overcoming obstacles 1. Obstacles are opportunities for the Creator of the universe to reassert his divinity. Regardless of what you believe in, we all have some conscious or subconscious inkling of a master plan. That master plan does not include your indefinite suffering. Life and all its effects are beautiful. It reflects its Creator. Think of all the crea...

How to Remove Negative Energy from your Aura : #7 tips to Save yourself from the Negative Aura

In the world, we all are living and working as a team. But honestly, are we all behaving like a team? Or the all people are living their life as a team member? Do they know what the goal of the team is? No… right? Here the important question is why we all are running for different goals though we are part of one team?  And an answer is the Negative aura. So here I want to explain you about how negative aura affect us? And also trying to explain you, how to save yourself from the negative aura? negative aura inspirational motivational quote  Actually, in this world, we all are having an aura within us. In this big world, every day we meet with different personalities and mindset. All are having a different aura which is made by the inner energy. Some people have negative aura means they are habituated to transfer negative energy to others and they filled with negative energy. They make their life hell and other’s life too by transferring negative energy. So ...

Overcome Public Speaking Anxiety Techniques : The Art of Public Speaking ( Getting Over The Public Speaking Scare For Good )

There are many people who will agree to die rather than give a speech in public. Public speaking is one of the most dreaded tasks a person would want to accomplish, unless of course he or she is divinely blessed with the supernatural ability to speak a few words in front of a gathering without being nervous or having trouble remembering them. Words that he / she was very eager to say. Beleive in yourself quote  So, what arouses the fear that a person can feel every time they have to make a speech? Why public speaking is perceived as the most feared experience for some of us? Why the news of being chosen as the best man at a wedding scares the guy who is chosen for the job. To be chosen as the best man is a huge honor, right?   ralph waldo emerson motivational quote  Well, many factors make us feel uncomfortable and fearful whenever we are supposed to make a speech in public. In this article, we will not only discuss and understand each of these f...