How to get over Social Anxiety : #3 Tips to Deal With Anxiety " Accepting Vs Fighting Anxiety - The Better Way To Beat It "
Many people suffer from anxiety. Anxiety is just a higher level of fear to the so common question, 'what if... ?' Anxiety comes announced and completely takes over our minds. Anxiety meaning motivational inspirational quote Quite a few of my clients suffer or have suffered from anxiety. All these years working with them and helping them overcome and eradicate it taught me a lot. Today I would like to share three tips that might also help you handle such a crippling emotion. Anxiety is fear and, as such, in the future. Some of you might immediately tell me, ' wait a minute, that's not true. I feel the anxiety very much here, in the present .' Yes, the feeling or emotion is there but where does it come from? What is the underlying fear that is causing it? Ask yourself what you're afraid might happen and you'll find the root of your anxiety. You might be surprised to discover that your answer is that something MIGHT happen some time in the futur...