The 2 Most Inspiring and Powerful Speeches Ever : " IT'S OK TO CRY & I WILL GET THROUGH THIS "

Being motivated in life or at work is very important for your performance. This is true when you have an approaching deadline, an important meeting,or an exam, or customers depending on you.
The power of words can physically,mentally and emotionally rejuvenate you. Inspirational speeches can keep you performing at your best, and can drive your team to achieve their goals. The right words at the right time can change you and challenge you. Inspirational speeches can help you stay motivated no matter what is thrown at you in life.

One of the most significant blessings anybody of us would ever get, is the endowment of information and experience. Luckily, we live in a period where every last one of us can without much of a stretch approach the experience and information on those individuals that we appreciate the most, the individuals who we consider as the best achievers, the individuals who have affected and still keep on impacting us by what they have done or as yet doing in their particular lives. Here are the discourses that had been given by the best, these are exercises from which every single one of us can gain from.

Here are 2 of the best inspirational speeches to inspire you and keep you moving forward!

it's ok to cry inspirational speech
Hamster in cage from pixabay 


“What do you seek in life?
What do you aspire?
What are your dreams?
Are they strong enough to pass the test of time?
 Only time will tell, and only your heart can guide you,
They want you to be like them, they want you to conform to work for a wage until you die, to give up on your dreams, to let go of all these experiences just to spend your life in an endless hamster wheel, because their dreams also were crushed on time.
 So they want the same for you, they have been so used to the darkness, it hurts their eyes when they catch a glimpse of sunlight, you are a new generation.
 A new generation that can follow their dreams and listen to their hearts and break this endless cycle of stupidity and ignorance; it's okay to be sad sometimes, it's okay to cry sometimes and it's more than okay to get back up, and always remember why you started in the first place.
 It's okay to speak up, it's okay to think twice, it's okay to pray, it's okay to meditate and to try, and remember who your soul is, it's okay to go to the dark place just to come back better and more knowledgeable person. It's okay to change your mind, it’s okay to think differently than 99% of the people, it's okay to have courage and to be strong.
 It's okay to say no, it's okay not to judge, it's okay to forgive …
 It's okay to let go of your phone realize that you were born without one and that life is more than likes selfies and social media, it's okay to question the system and at the same time to want to be rich, it's okay to help others, it's okay to listen to your gut, it's okay to be fearless, it's okay to realize that no matter how many books you read, it won't mean that you are writing a story but that's what your life is all about writing your story.
It's okay to let go of your worries and to be happy, it's okay to demand the future of your country, it's okay to demand righteousness of your Creed, it's okay to be real, it's okay to be tough, it's okay to be rough, it's okay to be caring and bearing,
 You see in life every moment every second you have to make new decisions and sometimes the decisions you make are of such enormity that they will completely change your life forever”

i will get through this motivational inspirational speech
Child crying from


“I hear from a lot of people that struggle in all these things, they're caught, they're drowning, they're folding under the weight of pain, and suffering and misery, and they asked me what I think …

What I think is that you are better than that, you are better and you can triumph over these dark forces, you can come better, you can be better, but it takes courage, and it's hard but what is the other choice?
 What else can we do? Let the darkness completely consume us …
 Noooo ! Do not accept that.
Remember what human beings are capable of suffering through, and remember that even in those situations where everything seems to be take away, when you seem to have no choice at all in the world …
Remember that you can still choose how you react to the things around you, you can still choose your attitude, it's hard choice and we are responsible, we are responsible to be strong instead of weak to become what we want to become, not what we let ourselves become,
 We own the course, you control the narrative you write the story that you want right, and make your actions nothing short of heroic…
 As long as you don't surrender, as long as you don't give, up as long as you don't quit, you are not defeated unless you're dead, you are not defeated.
And you have not failed, what you've done is you've learned, you’ve gained experience.
 And you still alive
Then you have memories to make
So get up …
And go get after it …” 

The Important Take Away

We are all fortunate enough to have these powerful words available to us at any time, let's all keep these in the back of our heads, and if ever you go through some moments of hardship through this life, the power of these words is the reason why you should consider coming back to them for some guidance and clarity. The lessons learned here, if applied, will guarantee to each one of us the inspiring and fulfilling life that we are all striving for.

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