YOU vs YOU - Motivational speech by Motivation EDGE
YOU vs YOU , a Motivational speech by Motivation Edge – WATCH FREE: Transcript : you vs you - motivational speech - Motivation Edge Guys, We are gonna keep this short, we're gonna keep it sweet, Here's the deal , you wanna know why most of people can't never get anywhere in life ? why most people vever live ? never experience ? never build ? never do anything ? whorthwhile in life ? beeing successful, is not a magic trick You can decide to be rich. You can decide to be successful, But first you have to think it. You have to beleive it The difference between successful and nonsuccessful people is in their mind. You have to change your attitude..... Recognize , the excuses are not valid , they're conjured up , they're fabricated, they're lies, and how you stop the lies ? you stop the lies with the truth , and the truth is you have time , you have the skill, you have the knowledge and the support, and the will p...